Primodry Carpet Cleaning Coventry

Stoke Row Coventry United Kingdom CV2 4JP

NHS Discount:
To show our appreciation for the incredible work you do, Primodry Carpet Cleaning Coventry is offering a special 10% discount to all NHS staff. You deserve to come home to fresh, clean carpets that dry in a flash – no more waiting around for days! Our low-moisture cleaning system ensures your carpets are not only spotless but also dry within 30 minutes. To claim your 10% NHS discount, simply show your NHS ID when booking.

About Primodry Carpet Cleaning Coventry

Fed up with the soggy carpet shuffle? Dreading the days of waiting for your carpets to dry? Primodry Carpet Cleaning Coventry is here to rescue your floors and your sanity! Why Primodry is the ONLY Way to Clean: The Flash Dry: Our low-moisture wizardry doesn't just clean, it dries in a blink – 30 minutes to be exact. No more rearranging your life around damp carpets. We clean, you conquer! Dirt's Worst Nightmare: Our cleaning solution isn't messing around. It dives deep, wrestling out stains, allergens, and odours, leaving your carpets begging for a barefoot dance party. Freshness that Fights Back: Our secret weapon? A formula that keeps on giving. It not only cleans but also defends against future spills and stains, so your carpets stay fresher, longer. Eco-Warrior Approved: We're water-wise! Our low-moisture magic uses a fraction of the H2O compared to traditional methods. Clean carpets AND a happy planet? Yes, please! The Primodry Promise: Carpet Whisperers: Our techs aren't just trained, they're carpet whisperers. They know the ins and outs of low-moisture cleaning like the back of their (very clean) hand. Safety Squad: Your peace of mind is our priority. Our team is DBS checked and insured, so you can relax while we work our magic. Coventry & Warwickshire's Carpet Heroes: We're proud to serve our local community, rescuing carpets in homes and businesses from Coventry to Warwickshire. Don't Let Soggy Carpets Rain on Your Parade: Whether it's a cosy corner or a corporate kingdom, Primodry Carpet Cleaning Coventry is your ticket to fast, fabulous, and fuss-free carpet cleaning. Hit us up for a free quote and experience the Primodry difference. You deserve carpets that are dry before your cuppa gets cold!

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