Block 6 Thames Wharf Studios Rainville Road London United Kingdom W6 9HA

NHS Discount:
We want to reach out to those in society who are currently putting themselves at risk on a daily basis, working unimaginable hours, managing unprecedented workloads and, in addition to all this, are having to cope with disorder and uncertainty outside of work.
As part of our Leadership Coaching offering, we would like to present Key Workers and Frontline Service Employees with a free coaching session, in which to access the parts of you that are needed to navigate through crisis. We help identify the characteristics that will help manage your stress and well-being, and help to build on your own personal skill-set, enabling you to become more productive and assertive. Using our 20 year experience of delivering performance-based leadership skills blended with archetypal psychology, we will use the session to create a plan for moving forward and discuss practical ways to enhance your repertoire. Your session will last up to 75 minutes.