75 Bradmore Green Hatfield United Kingdom AL9 7QT
07957 744688
NHS Discount:
Due to BeauSYNERGY being physically closed right now, we are not legally or morally allowed to treat clients directly. However we are offering free skin advice over the phone, face time and Zoom. We can advise on typical skin conditions which have arisen at this particular time due to the physical working conditions and stressed caused.
Once our skin and beauty clinic is physically back open we wish to look after NHS workers.
Our offer to them is to offer Free in-depth skin analysis and consultatations - usually £35 for everyone else.
We are also willing to offer them a free first treatment for the first month of opening. This could hold a value of up to about £125 for our time and products used.
It would be likely they would require at least a further treatment and so we would like to offer 50% off their 2nd and 3rd treatments.
The free treatment and discounts would be applicable against all courses prescribed following the free consultation.
We dont want to get the cost to be a barrier to having a skin professional carry out wonderful corrective treatments to the NHS staff.