15 Nevill Street Abergavenny United Kingdom NP7 5AA

NHS Discount:
Leasing For NHS Employees
There has been much publicity and people expressing their thanks to the NHS staff, particularly during the unprecedented times of the country being in lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
All staff, from the cleaners on the wards, the nurses, midwives and GPs to the surgeons, paramedics and everyone else involved with caring for the sick are the NHS heroes who are putting the nation’s health before their own every single day of the week. Never is this more appreciated than in times of crisis when we are at our most vulnerable.
There are different ways that we have all been showing our appreciation and support from clapping for our carers, becoming an NHS volunteer responder, through to simply staying at home and protecting our NHS as well as ourselves and our loved ones.
Here at Lamia Leasing, we want to do our small part in giving back to the NHS.
If you are an NHS employee in any capacity and are looking to lease or buy a new car, pickup or van, not only can you be assured that we will do our best to find you the perfect vehicle on the best terms to suit your requirements, but we will also donate £100 to the NHS for every vehicle we deliver.
We do have some vehicles that are available for immediate delivery to key workers.
If you’d like to find out more, please have a look at the extensive range of vehicles we have on offer and feel free to give us a ring for a chat, pop in to the office for a coffee (when you can), or simply drop us a line.
Lamia Leasing, doing our small part to help the NHS