About YourTaxClaim
Each year millions of pounds of overpaid tax go unclaimed. Are you due a tax rebate?
If you can answer YES to any of these questions, there is a chance you are due a tax rebate. In the last 5 years, have you…
• Paid income tax?
• Had more than one job?
• Paid subscriptions to professional organizations such as NMC, RCM, GDC, HCPC, SIA, Unison, and RCN?
• Had to wear uniform or protective clothing for work and had to wash it yourself?
• Leaving the UK permanently or temporarily?
• Retired, stopped working or been made redundant?
• Left work to return to full time education?
• Work Part-time?
You can claim for the past four 4 years plus the current year.
Nurses can also claim for shoes and stockings/tights.
We offer a No Win No Fee service.
Do not delay, apply now: Application can take up to 8 weeks.