cornborough villa sheriff hutton YORK United Kingdom YO60 6QN
01347 878673
NHS Discount:
Our on-line website facility will unfortunately not allow for a discount code, but please quote "10% NHS Staff Discount" in the box marked "Instructions from buyer" when you purchase loungepants from us (usually £20 a pair - £18 to NHS Staff). We can also do a special deal on nightshirts and hope you will recommend them to your patients too - A discount of £10 on a £40 nightshirt is available if you quote "£10 off for NHS Staff)
If you prefer not to order on line, telephone me at home on 01347 878673 and I will take your order over the phone. Again, tell me you are "NHS Staff". This is a small company, run for home and we feel honoured to help all with a few savings for NHS staff who we respect enormously.