About Quit Clip Ltd
The Quit-clip is a new product that helps
the user quit smoking on there own terms,but how does it work? The way in which the quit-clip works is simple, it uses two half circles shaped sides with 3 pins on either sides and clamps together using a spring mechanism that springs one sideto its return point. Once clipped together the circumference of both is 8.5mm in diamer to fit perfectly round the filter of a cigarette. It also has a guide to help the user get the perfect 12mm gap from the end to the punture site on the filter as set as standard guideline by the tobacco industries governing body and has been clinically tested and accredited by Arista Laboratories Europe.
It enables the user to quit without patches, drugs, or nicotine replacement products,as these products only replace one habit for another. With Quit-Clip all you have to do is clip away and start enjoying your first step to becoming a non smoker.