About Coggeshall and Colchester Chiropractic
Chiropractic Services.
Chiropractic is a straight forward method of adjusting the bones of your body to improve the alignment of your skeleton and through this process, relieve pain and discomfort, and increase mobility.
Chiropractic treatments consist of; mobilisation and adjustment of joints, and may also include techniques to release and relax muscles and joints such as massage; trigger point therapy; rhythmic joint movement; and muscle energy techniques
A misalignment of the joints can occur for many reasons; some of the most common are incorrect lifting, falls, stress, and poor posture. This can lead to pain, numbness, pins and needles, or restricted mobility.
The following conditions can often benefit from chiropractic care:
• Back, neck and shoulder pain
• Pain, discomfort and stiffness
in joints
• Migraine & cervicogenic headaches
• Muscular aches & pains
• Sports injuries
• Arthritic pain
Generous treatment sessions. Sufficient time is always allowed for a full and comprehensive treatment. Initial consultation, assessment & testing plus treatment, allow up to an hour and a half. Follow-up appointments typically 30-45 minutes. In addition to chiropractic adjustment, soft tissue work is often incorporated as well as therapeutic ultrasound when appropriate.