Cambridge Offer - Free tenancy fees for all NHS employed tenants.
Cambridge's most prestige lettings agency. Keeping tenants in great properties and keeping landlords on the top of their game. We also do property investments for landlords looking to invest.
Sheffield Offer - We will offer a further 2% off our normal management fees of 10% and no VAT to pay.
NHS staff can benefit from a fully managed lettings service for 8% of the rent.
Are you a Landlord looking for more service and less costs?
Working in the NHS means you are short on time, we look after your rental property and take the hassle so you don't have to.
Birmingham Offer - 50% discount from the listed rent on selected vacant properties where the landlord has agreed. Initial three month term to move as soon as possible. No tie in after this period. The rent will then...
Davidson Estates are an established estate and letting agency based in Edgbaston and Birmingham City Centre, specialising in residential property lettings and property management.
We always aim...
Stoke-on-Trent Offer - 3 Month Free property management and an ongoing 2% discount for the ife of the tenancy
Wards Property Management Ltd are a leading Letting Agency based in the heart of Stoke-on-Trent. Established in 2002, we have an experienced team whose local knowledge allows us to offer a...