Windsor Offer - Free 30 Minute Assesment (not including treatment)
£10 off Initial 1 hour consultation including treatment, reduced from £55 to £45.
Osteopathic Clinic,
Offering Osteopathy, Kinesio Taping, Dry Needling, Pilates, Soft and deep tissue Massage, Craniotomy Sacral Osteopathy
Warrington Offer - 50% off initial consultation from 98 to 49
Quick and efficient solutions to neuro-musculo-skeletal problems.
Sowerby Bridge Offer - Your first appointment for £30 (normal price £35). Not to run in conjunction with any other offer.
Registered Osteopathic Clinic in Ripponden (Sowerby Bridge). treating all ages. Neck and shoulder pain, Sciatica, Lower Back pain, Leg and arm pain, restricted movement, arthritic pain. Maternity...
Pudsey, Leeds Offer - 10%
A Multidisciplinary Medical Centre, with a specialist team of Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Podiatrists, Massage Therapists, Chiropodists, Skin Surgeons and more.
Part of the Lawrence Clinic Group