Kilmarnock Offer - 10% discount on Wills and Powers of Attorney. We do not charge a fee for an initial visit for financial advice.
We advise on Wills and Powers of Attorney. We also offer financial advice and can advise on all financial aspects including investments, pensions, mortgages, equity release, protection and...
Bristol Offer - 10% discount on Wills, Trusts in Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney
Code : CCWills.NHS.10%
C C Wills have long experience in the preparation of Wills, Trusts in Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney and Probate and Administration
Braintree Offer - 20% discount for Will writing and Lasting Powers of Attorney for all NHS staff.
We are a full-service legal practice who've been operating since 1748.
Due to the Covid-19 crisis, never before have NHS staff faced such pressure or had to increasingly put their lives on the...